Y-Axis in Charts is looking strange

I want to have a simple graph chart showing number of entries per day. But the y-axis does not start with zero. So the bars are looking not correct - see pic.

Can I force the Y-axis to start with 0?

Hi @Jorg_Beyer

Sorry for delay. Could you please provide your app ID and chart name so we can take a closer look to the problem?

Regards, Andriy

No problem. Thanks for helping. I have already added a lot of data and now it looks better. There is only one chart in the App. But with limited data as you can see above in the picture you can see that 1.0 is only a small bar, whereas 2.0 is a large bar. Even if this should be only twice the size. Any idea?

Is there a good documentation for the Charts Builder? E.g. I cannot group my time series by month and have this reflected in the chart - an aggregation of all items in that month summary in one Bar. Or, how can I remove the labels at the X-Axis? Or what is the syntax of the “Where Clause”, because all my attempts do not work?

Any help is appreciated.

@Jorg_Beyer could you please provide your app ID?

AppID A2090C1B-936C-A876-FF32-277A55A60700

Hello @Jorg_Beyer

I don’t see any problems in your app. In “New Leads” Chart Y starts from 0
Can you create a new chart with this problem?


Hello @Jorg_Beyer

I don’t see any problems in your app. In “New Leads” Chart Y starts from 0
Can you create a new chart with this problem?


I have created a Chart_Test Chart. You can have a look at it - same misleading representation of numbers at Y-Axis.


I see. Thank you for reporting. Now I don’t have a solution for this issue.
I’ve created an internal ticket BKNDLSS-28904 to investigate this issue.


Is there a way to get rid of the X-Axis Labels?
And, why can’t I use a generated column in Charts?

Hi @Jorg_Beyer,

you can turn off the X-Asix Labels by switching the Categories Field → Show Labels:

And, why can’t I use a generated column in Charts?

Currently there is no support for this, but it might appear in the future.
We are working on a brand new feature that will include a more flexible and customizable chart builder. Stay tuned.


Hi @Jorg_Beyer,

We’ve released the new version of Backendless.
Please, could you confirm that this issue doesn’t appear?
