I use search by dates, and before you said me that I need to use yyyyMMddHHmmss format to search by dates.
And I use whereClause = “lastOnlineDate >= 20150724103543” to search online users (20150724103543 is current date formed with “yyyyMMddHHmmss” format). But several days ago it stopped to work and always return empty array.
My application is on App Store, so please fix that as soon as possible
If it’s not possible to return date format to yyyyMMddHHmmss , can you allow this date formatting during next 10 days? (we need this time to put update to App Store, because our user use application very often)
Pavel, I am sure you have seen our correspondence via email.
We’re working on it and we will have it working as soon as possible.
Hi, it’s working now, thank you very much
We will try to upload new build with new date format (timestamp) ASAP
It’s strange, but it seems that Timestamp format stopped to work. We wanted to update current version to timestamp, but we failed.
Here is the code:
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = date.timeIntervalSince1970;
long timeStampMiliseconds = timeInterval * 1000;
NSString *strReturn = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", timeStampMiliseconds];
And after that we whereClause string = “lastOnlineDate >= 1437759175848”
That timestamp is “Fri, 24 Jul 2015 17:32:55 GMT”. Do you have any objects which satisfy that condition?
no, but I get 6 objects in responce. That means that this condition is ignored.
Could you run this query in console? Make sure to turn on “SQL Search”. Please make a screenshot and post it here.
I ran in console query:
[spoiler=“query”](username != ‘fb262652817271897’) AND (lastOnlineDate >= 1437763059344) AND (activityStatus = ‘availableToTalk’) AND (city = ‘ChIJKetzKh3TUUARndKs2k6yvr4’) AND (isProfileAvailableToEverybody = true OR ((profileAvailableToStatus = -1 OR profileAvailableToStatus = 0) AND ((profileAvailableFromAge = 17 AND profileAvailableToAge = 99) OR (profileAvailableFromAge <= 24 AND profileAvailableToAge >= 24)) AND (profileAvailableToSex = -1 OR profileAvailableToSex = 2) AND (profileAvailableToCity = ‘ALLCITIES’ OR profileAvailableToCity = ‘ChIJKetzKh3TUUARndKs2k6yvr4’) AND (profileAvailableToLanguages = ‘ALLLANGUAGES’ OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%fr%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%zh%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%de%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%ru%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%it%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%es%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%en%’))))
I get the result: http://take.ms/EiHJm (so on this screenshot you can see that users with NOT proper lastOnlineDate were returned
but if I use format yyyyMMddHHmmss , everything is OK and I get 0 objects:
[spoiler=“query Good”](username != ‘fb262652817271897’) AND (lastOnlineDate >= 20150724184400) AND (activityStatus = ‘availableToTalk’) AND (city = ‘ChIJKetzKh3TUUARndKs2k6yvr4’) AND (isProfileAvailableToEverybody = true OR ((profileAvailableToStatus = -1 OR profileAvailableToStatus = 0) AND ((profileAvailableFromAge = 17 AND profileAvailableToAge = 99) OR (profileAvailableFromAge <= 24 AND profileAvailableToAge >= 24)) AND (profileAvailableToSex = -1 OR profileAvailableToSex = 2) AND (profileAvailableToCity = ‘ALLCITIES’ OR profileAvailableToCity = ‘ChIJKetzKh3TUUARndKs2k6yvr4’) AND (profileAvailableToLanguages = ‘ALLLANGUAGES’ OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%fr%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%zh%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%de%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%ru%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%it%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%es%’) OR (profileAvailableToLanguages like ‘%en%’))))
screenshot of good query and the results (0 objects): http://take.ms/Z1hQg
(in Good query I just edited date format, other elements stayed the same)
That’s very ambitious of you to think I can understand that query and see if the proper objects are returned…
Any chance you could simplify it somewhat? We’re talking about just the date-based search after all.
ok, sorry
screenshot for time stamp query: http://take.ms/6Yixj
screenshot for yyyyMMddHHmmss query: http://take.ms/PGNEw
So you can see, that yyyyMMddHHmmss query returns proper objects, but lastOnlineDate >= 1437763059344 just returns all the objects of Users (you can see that by checking the field lastOnlineDate on the screenshots)
may be it will help if I give you the password and login from backendless account?
No, it is not necessary. I just spoke to the developer and confirmed that with the rollback we did for you, the only working use-case is with the yyyyMMddHHmmss formatted dates. We will be fixing it in the next couple of days to allow the following options:
yyyyMMddHHmmss format you use now (for backwards compatibility
unix timestamps
string-based date/time values
Ok, thank you very much. And thank you that you understood the situation with App Store and helped
Hello, do you know approximate time when you add “unix timestamps”?
Because we already prepared new version for App Store, but we don’t want to upload it until we change date search format to timestamp, because as far as I understand, soon you will remove yyyyMMddHHmmss at all, that’s why in new version we want to have timestamp format
Hi Pavel!
In previous message Mark said:
“We will be fixing it in the next couple of days to allow the following options:
yyyyMMddHHmmss format you use now (for backwards compatibility)”
So you can use old date time format. No changes required.
ok, I understand, we will use yyyyMMddHHmmss format for all new versions