How to prevent play service stop bug which get solved by deleting RUNNING_PID file in htdocs folder.This bug happens frequently and I don’t know what is the reason and I have to delete that file and restart services again.
I highly need this problem to be solved
with this problem i can not trust backendless standalone as backend
Sorry, but the way you assess the problem is wrong. The real problem here is not that the RUNNING_PID file is left there, but that the process crashes. One possibility is that you didn’t allocate enough memory for the Play process. How much memory is available where Backendless is installed?
my windows server(vps) have 3 GB memory
i am waiting for your answer yet
I suspect the Play process does not have enough memory. Additional memory allocation can be configured in the launch script for that process. All launch scripts are located in the <installdir>/apps/backendless/scripts directory. The one for play is
The default launch command is below. To expand the assigned heap size for instance to 8gb, you could add the following argument and relaunch the process:
- Xmx8g
The argument can be added right after “<INSTALLPATH>/java/bin/java”
PLAY_START=“LANG=en_US.UTF-8 <INSTALLPATH>/java/bin/java -server -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+OptimizeFill -XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks -XX:UseSSE=4 -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dlogger.file=conf/logger.xml -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dparsers.text.maxLength=4096K -Dhttp.netty.maxInitialLineLength=64000 -Dhttp.port=9000 -cp “schemacrawler-14.03.01.jar:*” -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf play.core.server.NettyServer >> <INSTALLPATH>/apps/backendless/logs/playServer.log 2>&1 &”
On windows you need to locate the following file:
In there, scroll to the very bottom of the file and add the following (this will set the Java heap size to 8gb, make sure you have that much memory):
Save the file. Use app manager to stop/start Play. Or alternatively, open command prompt window and change the current directory to:
Run the following commands:
servicerun_play STOP
servicerun_play START
i insatlled stand alone version in windows server 2008
i think your help is for linux
how i can do this in windows?
i do this,server work perfectly for about 30 minutes or more,but after this time,my server memory is full(about 3.45 GB of 4 GB without any api call and in standbay mode) and backendless play service and code runner service stopped,and any api call and try for open backendless dasboard return server temporary unavailable,how i can stable standalone backendless for use in production?
Check the log files to see what’s going on. The log files are located in:
these are my log file
please check them
thank you (660.89kB)
What is (playserver-coderunner-taskmanager) auto stop reasons?
Do you have installed on a laptop?
If you run it on a laptop, closing the lid and sending the computer to sleep would cause the scenario which we see in the logs.
no i install it in vps with windows server 2008 os with 4 GB Ram
Hi Hamid,
Do you have an opportunity to test the behaviour on 8 Gb RAM? Just to make sure that the memory is not an issue.
hi mr sergey
my server physical ram is 4 GB,but i test it with 8 GB ram(4 GB physical and 4 GB paged file),but There is still the problem
i need solve this problem as urgent,what i should do now?
can you test my server(standalone backendless)?
i installed latest version of backendless standalone today and backendless playserver stop after some mintues yet.
this is latest log for play server:
INFO|3908/0|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:33:24|16:33:24.150 [ERROR] backendless - main_application --- It is not amazon env
INFO|3908/0|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:33:56|reading from C:\Bitnami\backendless-3.5.0-4\apps\backendless\htdocs\repo\4244e601-940b-199f-ffc0-afe20fb41f00\files\servercode\services\74914747-3383-FC49-FF76-7351C3E98900.json
INFO|3908/0|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:08|Reached limit for 1 instances.
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|restart process due to default exit code rule
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|calling onStop
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|Win service stop - timeout: 30000
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|Win service wrapper.control -> stopping application
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|Win service stop - after shutdown
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|Win service stop - before notify
INFO|wrapper|Service yajsw|16-09-17 09:34:09|Win service terminated
Do you have only 1 instance of Play/CodeRunner/Taskman?
yes i installed backendless standalone with default installer
The problem you described is fixed in Backendless Pro. I recommend installing it instead and contacting sales to get an evaluation license key.
mr mark,this problem is related to backendless pro,i installed backendless pro recently
backendless pro standalone is not free?