My VB.NET Winforms application has been working fine for 18 months or more until yesterday morning where it started to fail. This has continued through to today which is causing huge issues for my business. The current error message is ‘Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel’.
My code is literally just to save back to my backendless database with your .Save function through the SDK.
Dim saveDict As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)()
If objectId <> "" Then
saveDict("objectId") = objectId
End If
saveDict("active") = active
saveDict("address1") = address1
saveDict("address2") = address2
saveDict("address3") = address3
saveDict("address4") = address4
saveDict("postcode") = postcode
saveDict("cancelled") = cancelled
saveDict("complete") = complete
saveDict("complete_date") = complete_date
saveDict("contact") = contact
saveDict("contact_email") = contact_email
saveDict("contact_tel") = contact_tel
saveDict("cust_id") = cust_id
saveDict("customer") = customer
saveDict("deleted") = deleted
saveDict("engineer_special_instructions") = Strings.Left(engineer_special_instructions, 500)
saveDict("engineer_id") = engineer_id
saveDict("internal_sync") = internal_sync
saveDict("failed") = failed
saveDict("failure_reason") = failure_reason
saveDict("fitment_date") = fitment_date
saveDict("fitment_date_string") = fitment_date_string
saveDict("fitment_time") = fitment_time
saveDict("id") = id
saveDict("job_id") = job_id
saveDict("job_no") = job_no
saveDict("no_vehicles") = no_vehicles
saveDict("open_fitment") = open_fitment
saveDict("rebooked") = rebooked
saveDict("status") = status
saveDict("type") = type
saveDict = Backendless.Data.Of("fitments").Save(saveDict)
objectId = saveDict("objectId")
created = saveDict("created")
updated = saveDict("updated")
Catch ex As Exception
'MsgBox("Error: Couldn't save fitment to engineer app database. Try saving again and if this problem persists please contact your admin.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical)
CreateNotification("Error", "Error: Couldn't save fitment to engineer app database. Try saving again and if this problem persists please contact your admin.")
End Try