Error Message - Cannot finish

I am in the middle of the tutorial on how to customize email template, and it shows a warning like this

Thanks for any help.

Hi @Joel_J_Symens

We are looking into your issue and will help as soon as possible


Can you provide a link to the tutorial, please

By the way, we have already been approached about this issue (support topic) and it seems to me that it will be resolved soon.

Thank you, I will be able to get the link on Monday.


This is the link of the starter pack with code, Under User Manager task, the video instructed to go to Messaging in the site and go to email and choose registration confirmation template for me to edit the email subject and email body but unfortunately, I cannot edit the email body as it still shows the warning that the email body is currently in read only mode and I do not have any more editor loads for this month, please see attach picture for the full snippet of the warning. Thank you!

Youtube video tutorial that I followed:
How to customize email confirmation template (

Hello @Marjorie_Cal ,

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether the fix works for you well?
