Exceeded limit remain active in paid plan after returning to levels below the limits

Dear support,

Yesterday I hit a limit, 14 hours after solving it the app still remains frozen. The same problem as mentioned
http://support.backendless.com/t/exceeded-limit-remain-active-even-after-solving-it in this case the app id is 65520AD3-5B8D-09E3-FFD8-BD5A81895700

This is something I already warned in version 3 and was solved perfectly as you can read in


I checked your app and do not see anything “frozen”. All APIs calls are working just fine. Do you have an example of something not working as expected?


Hello Mark,

Take a look to the attached image. The table on the left is the one that had 20,000 objects (20,003 to be precise). Yesterday I deleted all the elements but the warning is still there and I am not receiving any new data when I upload to backendless.

The banner at the top will go away when the system checks the current usage next time. What data table are you retrieving data from? I see only one table (QuestionsExam) and it is empty, so there is no data to be returned.

BTW Mark, the exporting link that we receive in our mails is broken since 15-20 days ago, see attached image.



Regarding your previous question, I am not pulling, but pushing data to that table.

I have just right now tried and this is the “Fault” answer received in the Android SDK:

Hi Jose Luis,

Could you please try it again? We made a few changes so the calls should be going through now.


Hi Mark,

Thank you, indeed it started to work again like 2 hours or so but I was waiting for feedback on your side. My concerns are if it will happen again. It it’s a solution tailor made to a specific app, I have 4 on your platform. Looking forward to hear you about this.

Please don’t forget to take a look to the export link issue I mentioned, something has changed less than a month ago. If you need I can create an issue in the forum.

Thanks again for your help


We have an internal ticket to address this scenario so it should not happen again. Please ping us if you reach the limit and clear it before a fix is out and we will be able to clear the block manually.

We will also look into the problem with the download link.


If it’s going to be fixed I can pay attention for a while to avoid hitting the limits so I don’t have to bug you again, :wink:

Thanks for the support