Form Validation Scroll to (in addition to Focus)

Hi, this is lower priority question. Take your time on responding.

Right now when the On Submit Event triggers for a form, if there are required questions present that have not yet been answered the Submit Event will not trigger and instead the missing field receives a small tooltip saying to fill it out (which I think is accompanied by focus).

Is there a way that I could make the screen also scroll to that empty field so that the user didn’t have to manually scroll down to the tooltip?


Hi @James_Hereford,

You can try to do as done in the attached screenshot. If this doesn’t help, please let us know.


Thanks! Are there any codeless functions that could do things like (a) call the validation event that occurs before submission without actually submitting the form, or (b) return the group of component IDs that are set to “required” and will be checked during the validation?

Hello @James_Hereford

Sorry, but currently there is no such codeless functions, you should do it in the way @Bohdan_Vynarchuk described

Ok thanks!