How to pass a parameter to the landing page

The logic is as following

I have a table feedback
slno string
q1 string

sl no is a variable eg: 123

i want to create a page where the variable is passed to the page link which will be dynamic
eg: abc.backendless/slno=123

123 is a dynamic value

how do i pass this value to a text component in the UI for display only. and
then comes a input field Q1 for which there will be a input for eg: hello

a button is there submit

once submitted a record is inserted to the table with the slno and q1 input value as a record.

A display page thanking is displayed once the submission is done.

kindly guide how to achieve this in backendless.


Hello @dbasilapp!

To create a link, you need to use the Link component:

To dynamically change the value in a link, you can use the URL Logic handler and pass the value through PageData:

For the text component, use the Content Logic handler.

To work with DB you need to use Data API:

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Thank you for the response. I am not sure if i explained it correctly

We have a feed back application in house.

For unique feedbacks the inhouse application has a serial number.

In backendless we will have a table feedback with slno as the link between the data.

So when the enduser wants to give a feed back we send automated sms to the customer for his/her feedback.

example : my page in backendless will be myfeedback.backendless.

but the link to be sent to the customer must have a sl number passed to this web page

for example myfeedback.backendless/slno=123

when the customer clicks this link our backendless page gets opened and automatically takes the 123 as a parameter and loads to a text label

further we will have a feedback question in the page and once filled and submitted it makes a record in my backendless table

where the data is slno and the answer to the feedback question.

end of day we can make a excel download page from backendless for the inhouse user to download.

eg slno, q1

123, good


so the slno is a dynamic number generated in the inhouse application and link will be unique for the customer.

hope i have explained better this time.

I wanted to acheive this in backendless. Kindly advise


Thank you for the explanation.
But I don’t quite understand which of these steps you were able to implement and which ones you had difficulty with.


this part
the link to be sent to the customer must have a sl number passed to this web page

for example myfeedback.backendless/slno=123
this is a sms message in the customer mobile with a link

when the customer clicks this link from his mobile our backendless page should be opened and automatically takes the 123 as a parameter and loads to a text label

this is the part i want your help.


Hi @dbasilapp!

You can pass this data to the UI Builder as a query string:
for example myfeedback.backendless/?slno=123

All the query params from the URL go to PageData, and you can use them to change the text label, for example:


Thank you i will give it a try and update the result.
an error is coming when i do the preview

This site can’t be reached

Check if there is a typo in

  • If spelling is correct, [try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).


could you pls advise what could be the problem. I have not written any code or logic,
2 date pickers, 1 radio group button and a data table display.

the same appears on my landing page also

I can’t reproduce this issue, I have everything working correctly.
Could you please check your internet connection and make sure you are not using a VPN, or if you are using a VPN, make sure it is working correctly.


I am trying from different computers and network connections all giving same error.

I am currently based in Qatar. Is there any other settings to do access it.


I tried the published link from my mobile also it is giving same error.

I tried to make new page in new app
still same error


Its solved after making the site as secured in chrome.


At times the site preview is blocked by chrome and sometimes it loads. is there any setting i need to do in chrome to make it load always.
I tried the allow insecured content also yet the issue appears to be recurring.

I have 2 more questions, need your kind assistance.

I have a field of file reference type in my table.

my inhouse application wants to upload a file to a folder created using the file manager. example i have created a reports folder.
how to upload file for example using curl to this folder can you help me structuring the api for this.

the table structure and row example
rept no, report name, report file name
1, testreport, c:\abc\test1.pdf is file in my local drive

using curl i can call an api but how to structure it inorder to add a row to the table and upload this file from my local drive to that reports folder.
Further at an average around 500-1000 files will be uploaded in a month which we need to keep for atleast 60 days and then we can delete them to make space for new uploads. Is there any limitations for the space used for my app.

  1. once uploaded the file along with the row data example can be displayed in a
    data table. now the user when clicks the file link we need to open the file in browser for example the pdf file. how to achieve this.

So far i have established a login page using our own table and codeless blocks. its working fine and appreciate the tool. my current major concerns are the chrome not loading the page and the file upload and view how to implement.


Hi @dbasilapp

You can find Files API by the following link


Thank you for the update.
However the curl works on some computers with a internet connection of same isp provider
but doesnt work with other pcs.I think its because of SSL

Also I have requested to make my app SSL certified. Kindly update as what actions to take to complete the first app project. I have currently subscribed for Cloud 9

I didn’t understand the custom domain concept from whatever i have read.

How to make my app link like for example
instead of the backendless app name.


@dbasilapp ,

However the curl works on some computers with a internet connection of same isp provider
but doesnt work with other pcs.I think its because of SSL

You can make a cURL request in verbose mode and it should log errors which cURL encounters.

Kindly update as what actions to take to complete the first app project.

Unfortunately it goes beyond capabilities of this forum since you are asking about help of designing your app. We are simply assisting users with problems which they encounter while trying to create their app using Backendless.

I didn’t understand the custom domain concept from whatever i have read.
How to make my app link like for example
instead of the backendless app name.

Have you tried to follow this documentation?

Let’s do in the following way. Try to do actions from steps described in the documentation and if you stumble on something ask question here and we will try to help you.

Regards, Andriy

–my msg–
Also I have requested to make my app SSL certified. Kindly update as what actions to take to complete the first app project. I have currently subscribed for Cloud 9

–your reply
“Unfortunately it goes beyond capabilities of this forum since you are asking about help of designing your app. We are simply assisting users with problems which they encounter while trying to create their app using Backendless.”

– my clarification on this
I have finished the app, just need SSL certified. It was asked be sent as an email by backendless, I have sent it and I was asking about that, so that all the users for the app can use it since it gets blocked in some google browsers showing the app link is not secured.

Curl I have tested and worked out the solution but for some users I beleive due to the SSL issue it shows host not found. For some users its working.

custom domain i added a site but it gave an error and showed it might reflect after 48 hours, but its still not coming.

tks & regards

Hello @dbasilapp

We apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please write in this thread the APP ID of the application for us to check.


@dbasilapp ,

I am sorry but it seems that I misunderstood this part

Kindly update as what actions to take to complete the first app project.

I though it was related to the questions from your previous messages where you asked about your client app design.

custom domain i added a site but it gave an error and showed it might reflect after 48 hours, but its still not coming.

In your application only generated domain currently present. To get SSL certificate for your domain you need to add your custom domain to your application first - it will be generated during 2 working days and automatically added to your domain after that.

Regards, Andriy

Hi can the current domain we are using where ssl is enabled automatically, so canc we get a SSL certificate for this domain.

I have added the custom domain I believe before 48 hours.

app id : 1971C2A7-D413-00B9-FF0E-2C2E6514E400


@dbasilapp ,

For specified app generated domain already has assinged SSL certicifate. Try to open any link in your app using that domain and you will see “lock” icon to the left of your URL in browser.It indicates that connection is HTTPS which means that SSL certificate is used.

I have added the custom domain I believe before 48 hours.

You should also add it in your app. Please open your app, then go to “Manage” > “Domain Control” and add your custom domain there. After that SSL certificate for your domain will be generated in 2 working days.

Or you want us to send on your email file with SSL certificate which is currently assigned to your generated domain?

Regards, Andriy