Maximum call stack size exceeded - Codeless "Parameters" tab

When I click onto the “Parameters” tab for a Codeless function, the browser screen goes black and the dev console reports “Maximum call stack size exceeded” in 7.da2082f3.js:1 (I assume that’s the file containing the autogenerated JS code).

To Reproduce: in the Business Logic section … this is a Codeless app; several of the function end-points have parameters defined as “Data Object” reference. I can see the Header and Logic tabs, but clicking on the Parameters tab gives me the error.

Another function in that same app does not reference any Data Objects as inputs, and it works fine.

Backendless Version v.6.0.5
Chrome Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Related to this one?

Hello @john-p

Thank you to inform us, I am going to create an internal ticket BKNDLSS-22368 to investigate the issue, could you please provide us:

  • your APP_ID
  • the API Service/Method names

Regards, Vlad

AppID: CB547E67-922E-B0EA-FF73-5E9A7CCAB000
app-name is “socialapp”, method “getfollowingposts” seems to be working, “addpostcomment” does not

(this is following the Backendless blog’s “How to build a social app”, just trying to re-do it in codeless … so I think the data tables/schemas should be Ok)

Hello @john-p

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?
