Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size

Hi All,

I am getting the following error.

Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size.

APP ID: FB172318-89F2-E225-FF10-9AC9657A9000

If it offers any assistance i think the problem may reside within a JSON column called Tracking Live in the trailers table. I am planning on restructuring how i store the data but not able to with this error.

As always your assistance is appreciated.
Kind Regards,

Hello @Raymond_Woodley

I guess it happens when you apply sorting, if so - we already know about this issue, and solution is coming soon(now in testing).

Related topic - Out of sort memory in Data Browser - #22 by Jorg_Beyer

As for the temporary solution, you could disable any sorting, and the error should gone.

Hi @Raymond_Woodley,

We’ve just updated the cloud servers to fix the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether the fix works for you?
