Hello guys,
I am desperate.
Every now and then a bug occurs that does not allow the page to be loaded in the preview, I usually solve it by creating a new page equal to the one I am developing, then I delete the one with the error and rename it with the correct name.
I don’t know what happened but now the page I renamed is completely empty, there were days of work on it …
Is it possible to restore it?
Application ID
Page renamed from “prova” to “SDBtuttofare”, and now it’s empty. I hope to be able to restore it, there were over 36h of work.
Hi Alexander, thanks for the reply.
Is the speech valid even if it is a problem due to a page saving bug? It doesn’t seem very fair to have to pay for having to restore pages full of code, as it is a bug that happens often … The only way to fix it is the one I mentioned above, but apparently you risk losing everything. Anyway, how much would the commission amount to?
We will need approximate time of accident so our engineers will be able to locate required backup. Backups are made on hourly basis for 72 hours. The more precise time you provide the more actual page will be restored.
So steps will be next:
You provide time of accident.
We make charge for $200 from your credit card which is bound to application.
Hi Vlad,
It is an error that appears very often in the preview when there are pages full of code, the error that appeared to me is very similar to that of the user of this Topic: Can't load page because of script error
Unfortunately I have not examined it because as mentioned above I had found a way to solve it, but this time renaming it has deleted everything.
Honestly I’m pondering whether to continue or not, I really like Backendless and I had planned to start the paid plan once the job is done, maybe even developing some other apps for some small companies that collaborate with me.
In my App planning it was a very important page and since I will have to do similar ones with a lot of code, I am thinking if it is really worth it since if it has happened it can happen again.
Spending $ 200 each time on a job I’ve already done vanished into thin air for a bug is quite frustrating.
I have discussed this situation with the team.
We will restore your lost files without any charges since this situation was caused by bug on our side. Sorry for inconvenience.
Please tell us approximate time of accident. The more precise time you provide the more actual page will be restored.
Hi @Andriy_Konoz,
Thanks for understanding,
all this happened on Monday 11, around 17:30 (Italian time). After that I didn’t continue to do anything else as I was discouraged by the incident.
The reference of the pages if it can be useful is: Page renamed from “prova” to “SDBtuttofare” after the bug which then became completely empty.
Hi @Andriy_Konoz,
There seems to be everything, thank you very much.
I sincerely hope it does not happen again, this could slow down further development.
In any case, if that bug still happens in preview I will report it immediately so that you can understand the origin, avoiding wasting any more time.