I have an external service that posts a json form to an endpoint, but I cant seem to get backendless to acknowledge it, and sends the following response back to the service:
Status code: 400 Message: Bad Request Body (Limited to 1000 chars): {“code”:14004,“message”:“Service invocation failed: Unrecognized token ‘scrapingjob_id’: was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token ‘null’, ‘true’ or ‘false’)\n at [Source: (String)"scrapingjob_id=6951805&status=finished&sitemap_id=629248&sitemap_name=awrsList2"; line: 1, column: 15]”,“errorData”:{}}
The posted data from the external service doesnt appear as an object or an array, just as one string (output from webhook.site): scrapingjob_id=6635248&status=finished&sitemap_id=678945&sitemap_name=awrsList2
My usual methods of handling post API’s don’t seem to work and it cant pick up any object or numbers/string etc:
Any ideas on how to handle that string as ive not seen json formated that way before.
Hi Mark, Its declared as a POST operation. The external server executes a POST form submit with metadata from the job its just completed, but my codeless script cant seem to process it and sends back a 400 response stating it was expecting a json string, number etc.