Resources No Longer available unless re-specified

Hi all,

I posted a topic Post since then i have had continuous problems, all images that were specified before are now no longer available unless re-specified, I published the container to the web root today, to deploy a new feature and all images across the app are now no longer available. Text inputs are now also no longer working.

This error is being shown constantly

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 400, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

I have not verified if any further issues are present. The problems started occurring on the 21st of December.

Application ID: CB411F83-2292-179C-FF6B-D25974153100

The specified resource was not found

It would be appreciated if some light could be shed on the situation.

Hello @Raymond_Woodley

Thank you for reporting the issue. We will investigate it. For now, I could offer you to use a backup from UI Builder Tab.

Thanks @Dima

New Issue crept in now cant access the root folder to select an image.

Problem seems intermittent

Sorry I am just posting issues as I come across them.

Also as soon as location is allowed all text inputs no longer are editable, this was during a web preview of a page.

As for codeless block - please add an Id to autocomplete component, that should fix your issue.

As for images.
Did it still reproduce for you? I have successfully opened the window and see no errors