I’m having difficulty getting the console to accept my email credentials. A couple days ago, users were not able to register for new accounts. I found this was due to the SMTP settings, but I had not changed them whatsoever (neither on my email service)
Now, if I use the BL defaults, everything works fine.
But then entering my email credentials aren’t working. This is the error I receive:
Username and Password are not accepted. Message from smtp server: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [SA9PR13CA0177.namprd13.prod.outlook.
Port: 587
I have tried a couple different email accounts, all with no success.
Any help would be appreciated. For now, my users have to receive emails from develop@backendless.com
FYI, all of this seemed to start when I was testing a Zapier connection to a separate Application I have with Backendless. Here is the support thread: Zapier Integration