Unable to link with the library on IOS


I keep getting the errors below. Must be missing a library, but can’t find out which one. I attached a screenshot of the library’s already present.

Undefined symbols for architecture i386:

“_av_audio_fifo_alloc”, referenced from:

  -[MPMediaEncoder addAudioStream] in MediaLibiOS.a(MPMediaEncoder.o)

“_av_audio_fifo_free”, referenced from:

  -[MPMediaEncoder closeAudio] in MediaLibiOS.a(MPMediaEncoder.o)

“_av_audio_fifo_read”, referenced from:

  -[MPMediaEncoder writeAudioSample] in MediaLibiOS.a(MPMediaEncoder.o)

“_av_audio_fifo_size”, referenced from:

  -[MPMediaEncoder writeAudioSample] in MediaLibiOS.a(MPMediaEncoder.o)

  -[MPMediaEncoder addAudioSamples:dataSize:pts:] in MediaLibiOS.a(MPMediaEncoder.o)

“_av_audio_fifo_space”, referenced from:

  -[MPMediaEncoder addAudioSamples:dataSize:pts:] in MediaLibiOS.a(MPMediaEncoder.o)

“_av_audio_fifo_write”, referenced from:

  -[MPMediaEncoder addAudioSamples:dataSize:pts:] in MediaLibiOS.a(MPMediaEncoder.o)

ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)


You should download the latest SDK from https://backendless.com/sdk/ios/1.4/BackendlessSDK_iOS+OSX.zip

Backendless Support Team

Hi Vyacheslav,

I just did, but no difference. BTW the backendless demo project links just fine. I must have missed something. What framework or static lib are these symbols in?


Hi Jan,

Any chance you could zip up your project folder and email to me or attach it here?

I suspect the problem might be somewhere in the project configuration with the paths.


These functions are declared in libavutil/audio_fifo.h - did you update avlib *.a files from the latest release?

and libbz2.dylib is absent - you should add it

Hi all,

I’ll attach my projectfile here.

BTW the libbz2.dylib made no difference and the libavutil.a does not have these symbols (according to the nm utility)

I really suspect my project file but i don’t see it

Archive.zip (86.99kB)


Unfortunately, this does not help at all. We have no way to compile the project without all the files in the project. Can you zip up the whole thing and re-attach?


Jan - i need whole your project, and i will be able to reproduce the problem

I uploaded to wetransfer (link below)

Mind you, the library is not added right now. To reproduce you should add again, it is in the directory though.
Just add lib and build…


Hi Jan,

We added our lib, but the project does not build because of other missing files.

At the moment we’re running into the following:

/Users/slava/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Golfagenda2-guwyofqoyrqsnngrmcsorpjmqcfu/Build/Intermediates/Golfagenda2.build/Debug-iphoneos/Golfagenda2.build/Script-3D8AB489185D92DC00A0DB69.sh: line 2: /usr/local/bin/mogenerator: No such file or directory


I made a stripped down version, without dependancies (as far as i know)



For the fixing of this problem you should clean the line “Other LInker Flags” of project target Build Settings -> Linking.



You are absolutely right, removing the -ObjC removes the problem, but…

I need that flag for Magical Record in combination with CocoaPods. Otherwise the categories from magical record are not loaded from the cocoa pod static library.

So, unless you have another idea i’ll have to abandon backendless ;(


We have fixed the conflict in MediaLibiOS with option “-ObjC”.
You can download MediaLibDemos 2.6 package from themidnightcoders.com.

You should remove “lib/CommLibiOS” & ''lib/MediaLibiOS" from your project directory, then add there a content of “MediaLibDemos-master/lib” of downloaded package, and reconnect “lib” inside project (or change “Library Search Paths” line in target Build Setting).



I tested your solution and it builds fine. But now i have the next (unrelated?) problem. First simple test: I created a Bericht table, with just a string column called tekst. Added a row and try to retrieve with:

[backendless initApp:@"7AD5C04E-0030-2536-FF78-BCECED87F500" secret:@"secret" version:@"v1"];

id<IDataStore> dataStore = [backendless.persistenceService of:[Bericht class]];

Bericht *b=[dataStore findFirst];

NSLog(@"%@ %@",b.tekst, b.created);

The problem is that the tekst property
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *tekst;
contains a StringType and no NSString. Log shows:
2013-12-26 05:54:58.837 Golfagenda2[12169:70b] <StringType: 0xbf91fd0> 2013-12-22 18:14:27 +0000

My previous comment is larger than shows. Is it visible for you?

The option “secret” is wrong in method initApp - you should use appId & secretKey (for iOS) of your application - you can see it on application page of backendless console

Please give me some credit. I replaced my own secret… You obviously did not see the complete post. It’s below…

I tested your solution and it builds fine. But now i have the next (unrelated?) problem. First simple test: I created a Bericht table, with just a string column called tekst. Added a row and try to retrieve with:

[backendless initApp:@“7AD5C04E-0030-2536-FF78-BCECED87F500” secret:@“secret” version:@“v1”];

id<IDataStore> dataStore = [backendless.persistenceService of:[Bericht class]];

Bericht *b=[dataStore findFirst];

NSLog(@"%@ %@",b.tekst, b.created);

The problem is that the tekst property
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *tekst;
contains a StringType and no NSString. Log shows:
2013-12-26 05:54:58.837 Golfagenda2[12169:70b] <StringType: 0xbf91fd0> 2013-12-22 18:14:27 +0000

still the posting fails. the original text is attached…

commentText.rtf (0.93kB)